To me, eating local means eating
food that was grown and produced organically, and close-by, and supporting
local businesses. Growing up, I was surrounded by freshly grown fruits and
vegetables, but only now do I understand the importance of buying and eating
local. On the first Sunday of every month, my hometown hosted a farmer’s market
on our main street. I always waited in anticipation for the farmer’s market
each month for the fresh strawberries, watermelon, and apples. Initially, the
most special part of the farmer’s market was all the fresh food, but over the
years of perusing the food at the farmer’s market, my mom taught me another
reason why going to the farmer’s market is so important: supporting local
businesses. She and I believe that supporting local businesses is important
because they provide the freshest, tastiest food, and buying their produce
helps them to stay in business.
Now when I go to the farmer’s
market, not only am I there to buy fresh produce, I also go to play a small
role in my town’s economy. I can be an eye-witness to the growth of small,
local businesses, and see how hometown support means everything in the start of
a business.
Grade: check!